What to Do
Class Jobs
Each student rotates through each class job for the week and is given a badge, title, and set of duties that corresponds to that job.
Sign in Sign Out
A sign in sheet will be at by the front door. Each student must sign in or risked being marked tardy or absent. Any time a student leaves class, he or she must sign out with the time they left and sign back in with the time they come back. This is to keep track of movement of students to and from the bathroom, pull out sessions, and other activities that do not involve the entire class.
Getting Attention
Students should raise their hand and and wait to be called on to ask a question. If you need permission for the bathroom raise two fingers.
Teacher will call your attention by saying "class class" and the correct response is "yes yes".
Hand signals can be used to nonverbally indicate understanding or lack thereof.
Make Up Work
Absent students can find make up work in the front of the classroom by looking under the tab for the day they missed. The student shall have one day to make up missed assignments unless otherwise approved by the teacher.
If you are done early
There is a menu of activities that you can choose from if you are finished early. This menu is located in the front of the room. None of these choices include talking, so please be respectful of others who are still working.
What to Bring
Most of our supplies will stay in the class. You should bring your red folder every day, and make sure you have completed any unfinished work in your folder. Give all handouts and communications to your parents. Please bring a navy blue sweater or sweatshirt, because it gets cold in the classroom. Also bring your library books. You many keep a water bottle with a lid at your desk, but snacks can only be out or eaten during designated times. Absolutely no toys or phones will be tolerated. After one warning, those item will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day.
Class Jobs
Each student contributes to the success of the classroom.
Students will rotate through assigned jobs each week.
Line Leader
Sets the tone
The line leader sets the tone and pace as we move through the hallways. They are trusted to navigate from one place to another responsibly, efficiently, and with minimal disruption to the rest of the school.
Independent and responsible
The messenger will be responsible running errands, taking notes and messages, or other items to and from the classroom. This requires walking quietly through the halls, independently, and being responsible for the items trusted in their care.
Supply Technician
Organized and reliable
The supply technician will be responsible for sharpening pencils, and keeping supplies and materials functional and orderly.
Distribution Technician
Neat and efficient
The distribution technician will be responsible for handing out and collecting papers and other materials.
Alert and diligent
The electrician will be the only student that can turn the lights on and off.
Security Officer
Trustworthy and responsible
The security officer will open and hold the door, and will be responsible for closing the door after his or her classmates.